Our train ride up to Edinburgh was in coach and very nice. Our trip back to London was upgraded to First Class. When we found our seats, they were very very nice, much more room, coffee, croissants, newspapers, free WiFi, etc. I told Linda that these train accomodations were the nicest l've seen.
Shortly after settling in, the conductor announced "This train has a brake problem and we will keep you posted on the delay". Ten minutes later he proclaimed "This train has been cancelled, proceed to track 9 for the 10 am train to London (leaving in 10 minutes). We joined the stampede to a platform 9 minutes away.... The train was packed and the doors closed while we were in the train car vestibule.
What a mess! It turned out way more people boarded than available seats... like hundreds. It became standing room only, with vestibules and aisles packed with people. The train became a carnival with good sports and rude personalities. The boys and I stood the entire 5 hour trip wedged in a corner by the door. We had about 4 square feet each (including our luggage) and got to know many Scots intimately. The girls found a few more square feet and sat on top of their luggage. Every train station stop was an exercise of contortion.
Traveling is always an adventure!

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