Black River was a primative port, so it was time to break out the illegal substances. I smuggled some Folgers coffee (good RoviSys client) aboard at a previous port.... It took Captain Kip only a few seconds to detect my covert brewing and rush to the galley. To my surprise, the Captain endorsed my actions and unveiled a sophisticated brewing system he had stashed aboard. His step-by-step demonstration prepared this pleeb to become self sufficient with my caffeine consumption.
The 35 NM passage to Madeline Island was pleasant and uneventful. The Captain does an excellent job detailing the ship's business on his blog.... so I will refrain from those important details.
In an effort to conserve water and ensure no interruption of our water supply, I have not showered in 2 days. Topping the tanks in Madeline should reinstate daily hygene.
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